The Most Common Question
In over 11 years bankruptcy practice, the questions I hear most are based on clients' fear of what will happen to their credit. From...
Student Loans and Bankruptcy
Throughout the past 10 years, clients have asked me on more than one occasion if they can wipe out their student loan debt if they can...
Retailers and Bankruptcy
On February 5, 2015, news broke of the most recent retailer to file bankruptcy--Radio Shack. For those of you unfamiliar with the nearly...
Too Much, Too Soon, Too Easy. Americans and Their Credit Cards.
It seems as if bankruptcy filings have increased in the last two decades or so. Many times I wonder why this is the case. Have we as a...
Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy
Most people seeking Bankruptcy protection are not those who are looking for a way out after a spending spree. On the contrary, the...
The Bankruptcy's a long read, but it's worth it!
Clients are often overwhelmed when they come into my office. Whether it's because of incessant phone calls from creditors, or the sheer...
Common Misconceptions About Filing Bankruptcy
1. I WILL LOSE MY HOME AND VEHICLE I can’t tell you how many times I reassure clients that they will not lose their home or vehicle by...
Tax Refunds and Bankruptcy
As a Bankruptcy attorney, I often get a number of questions from clients relating to filing their bankruptcy and their tax refunds. The...